Monday, October 24, 2011

Addressing the 'C' in the acronym 'CAS'

I have been struggling to find what it is I could do to show creativity but I have to some possible conclusions. I have thought that I could try and...

-create some of my own music on some of music software that I have had sitting around on my desktop

-maybe try and produce some video commentaries (I have a software that will allow me to do this)

-attempt to learn the guitar and relearn how to play the piano (I own both a guitar and piano)

-write my own poetry

Each of these ideas are things that I have tried to do over the past few years but had stopped for various reasons. I feel, however, that these will allow me to develop skills in areas that I have had little actual experience in and will also help me reduce the amount of stress I have been having recently, as a result of college applications and poor time management.