We ran another successful event, raising around Rs. 8 thousand, on the 5th but where we were posed with some new complications. We had a total of around 50 people show up, which is nearing the total capacity that we can accommodate and is making slightly harder to keep track of what is exactly going on.
We have thought about establishing regulations in order to reduce the amount of people that turn up to the event; one being to increase the entrance fee from Rs. 50 to 100, another being to have our Facebook group members tell us before hand to whether or not they are coming so that we can tell the security guards to only allow those who have informed us on their planned attendance. We will hopefully decide on what approach we will take hopefully over the next two weeks.
As to what we will be raising money for, we have decided that we will be putting the money toward providing sports equipment for a local school that is need of such supplies.