Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Things for Creativity

After the eventfull Week Without Walls i had recieved a
brand new quitar. I plan on find either a program or
person to help me further advance my skill of using a
guitar... which really means I need someone to teach
me the absolute basics of guitar use. Hopefully my guitar
will not start collecting dust like my golf clubs.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week Without Walls

On the 24th to 28th our grade set out on our WWW (Week
Without Walls) trip. What we intend to do on this trip is to
work on one of two schools (the grade was divided into two
groups each with a respective school) by repainting the
school, as well as outdoor equipment and while also
keeping the kids entertained for the first hour we are at the
school each day as well as to put on a concert on our
second day of work upon completion.The purpose of our
trip was not only to help repaint and give supplies to the
schools we worked on but also to develop
ourselves whether it be by...

1) Taking up a leadership role (this can be seen because
I had taken up a co-op leadership role to produce a skit
to play during the concert

2) Working corroboratively with others (during the first
and second day of painting, I worked rather well with
others to complete this task

3) Learning new skills (nothing during the actual school
work can really be considered a new skill

4) Engage with issues of global importance (this was
achieved by our work on the school because the school
was set up as a source of education for childern after the
2004 tsunami

5) Consider the ethical implications of our actions (by
giving these childern a clean environment to learn during
very crucial years of eductaion

6) Undertake new challenges (repainting the school was a
skill which I had already obtained over previous years but
this year we had achieved alot more in a shorter amount
of time

Monday, February 21, 2011

D.A.W.G. Sterilization & Vaccination Day

We held the actual sterilization event on Friday the 27 of November from 8am till 2pm. We were given 3 different times from which we could choose, either from 8-10, 10-12, or 12-2, I had chosen to be there from 10-12. The overall event went very well as we had received a large turn out of people with cats or dogs and by the end of the event we had vaccinated and/or sterilized a total of 62 cats and dogs. The only sad side of this is that this is the end of the activity for this year so i will need to search for something else.